Military transformation can be understood as comprising three overlapping and sometimes competing layers--the conventional-force dominated revolution in military affairs, a more recent irregular warfare emphasis, and a wider dimension including homeland defense, space and nuclear policy. The Western world is currently focusing its attention on transformation's middle layer, while China and Russia are focusing on the RMA and transformation's wider aspects. This dynamic indicates the United States and its allies should continue to prepare for the full range of conflicts.
This book establishes the meaning of military transformation, assesses the manner in which certain countries are transforming their military forces, discusses the relevancy of transformation efforts to modern conflict and, in drawing out the key areas of emphasis on the part of various countries, provides a window on the future global security environment. It is divided into seven chapters, plus a conclusion. The first chapter focuses on the meaning of military transformation, establishing a framework through which national militaries can be examined. This comprises transformation's revolution in military affairs components, its newer special operations forces, counterinsurgency, and stabilization and reconstruction aspects, and its wider homeland defense, space and deterrence dimensions. The book devotes two chapters to the United States and one each to China, Russia, and NATO. It also has a chapter that looks individually at each of Australia, Britain, Canada, France and Germany. An assessment of the relevancy of force transformation to modern warfare is integrated into the discussion of what transformation means, how the United States is responding, and the concluding chapter. The book contains a biographical sketch of Andrew Marshall, Andrew Krepinevich, William Owens, Arthur Cebrowski, Donald Rumsfeld, and Thomas Barnett, all of whom have been involved in some aspect of military transformation.
About the Author: Elinor Sloan is Associate Professor of International Relations at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, where she teaches international security studies. A former Captain in the Canadian Armed Forces, she is a graduate of the Royal Military College of Canada and received her PhD from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, in 1997. From 1996 to 2002 she was a defense analyst in Canada's Department of National Defense where she focused on U.S. defense policy. She is the author of Bosnia and the New Collective Security (1998), The Revolution in Military Affairs (2002), and Security and Defence in the Terrorist Era (2005).